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Cross the Counter Systems for Counters, Desks and Cashiers

No more communication problems!


Univox® CTC (Cross the Counter) is a complete induction loop system for installation in receptions, information desks, supermarket cashiers and ticket booths. When installed, the system grants for hearing aid users to communicate with the staff with high speech perception.

The system includes an induction loop amplifier, a microphone and a loop pad. The reliable and powerful amplifiers, equipped with a modern and intelligent AGC function, supplies excellent speech perception in any situation. Choose between a goose neck microphone and a small self-adhesive microphone which can be mounted on a glass or a wall. Every Univox® CTC system includes a loop pad which is mounted under the counter/desk. Correctly installed the system works automatically without any settings or adjustments.

System overview

Part No                                    Description

202040A EU                            Univox® CTC-120

202040A UK                            Univox® CLS-1 loop amplifier

202040A AU                            Univox® AVLM5 microphone for glass/wall

202040A US                             Loop pad

Sign/label with T-symbol, 80 x 73 mm

Wall holder for Univox® loop amplifier


202040B EU                            Univox® CTC-121

202040B UK                            Univox® CLS-1 l loop amplifier

202040B AU                            Univox® M-2 goose neck microphone

202040B US                            Loop pad

Sign/label with T-symbol, 80 x 73 mm

Wall holder for Univox® loop amplifier


Technical data

For technical product information regarding the amplifiers CLS-1 and regarding the microphones AVLM5 and M-2 we refer to product Brochures, see our websites.